Mom is such
A Special word
The Loveliest
I've ever heard
A toast to you
Above all the rest
Mom you're so special
You are simply
The best.
Mother's Day Spa Specials Head to Toe Restoration@Thai New York Spa 1718 932 0999
Promotion for Mother's Day
1. 60 min massage plus mani&pedi $95
2. 60 min massage with 70 min Super clean Facial plus Collagen eye treatment DNA mark $159
3. Gel Manicure $ 20
We also accept Spa Finder!
*Promotions valid from May 1st to May 31st, 2014
Thai New York Spa & Salon
23-92 21st ST
Astoria, NY 11105
Tel: +1 718 932 0999
Fax: +1 718 932 0998